anti-racist resources


Welcome to the Good Shepherd New York resources page. At Good Shepherd New York we believe that our mission, helping New Yorkers embody the love of Christ for the good of our neighbors, guides us in the work of anti racism. We hope that these resources encourage you to be curious in your learning, to be creative in your action, to be generous with your resources, and to seek unity in our diversity as a community.

To begin this journey of anti racism, it is important to first be curious about our own story. Our friend Ashlee Eiland of Mars Hill Bible Church has written a beautiful 30 minute reflection entitled Roots that we would like to share with you.

As you further your journey of curiosity, we encourage you to consider the following resources:

Austin Channing Brown

Her website

Her book:

Iʼm Still Here: Black dignity in a world made for whiteness

Discussion Guide at

The Next Question web series


Bryan Stevenson

Equal Justice Initiative

His book (also a major motion picture):

Just Mercy


Lisa Sharon Harper

Her website

Her book:

The Very Good Gospel



Here are a host of resources for engaging with your children in these discussions. We understand these conversations can be complex and nuanced, so we hope you find these resources helpful for starting the important conversations with your kids about these topics.

The work of anti racism is both individual and communal. As you continue to take responsibility in your own heart, we encourage you to think beyond your home and family to your neighborhood, your industry, and your city and state. Identify your sphere of influence and begin to work toward change. We would love to hear from you as you engage this process!


If you are moved toward generosity, please consider giving to our partners at
A House on Beekman, an after school program in the Bronx that supports families and education.

A House on Beekman’s Website


We also partner with our dear friends at The Telos Group, a peacemaking organization that curates pilgrimages to places of conflict in order to bring understanding, healing, and reconciliation. Members of our community have participated in the American South pilgrimage in which they excavated the complexity of U.S. history beginning in New Orleans, LA and ending in Montgomery, AL. You can give towards their American South pilgrimage at by designating “American South”. We will also be organizing an American South pilgrimage for the Good Shepherd New York community once travel is safe and advisable. 

Lent Group Guide