Join Trinity Grace Church for a beautiful evening of sidewalk Christmas Carols (5pm) followed by a Candlelight Service (5:30pm) in the historic Chapel of the Good Shepherd at General Seminary in Chelsea (429 W 20th St.).
5:00PM Christmas Carols
What warms the heart like a festive Brass Quartet and some Hot Apple Cider while filling the Manhattan air with carols? Join us outside the Iron Gate at the 20th St. entrance of General Theological Seminary (429 W 20th St.) as we belt out the classic songs that tell the story of Christ, the new born King.
5:30PM Candlelight Service
Pastor and artist David Gungor curates a powerful candlelight worship experience in the historic Chapel of the Good Shepherd at General Theological Seminary. Families with children are welcome to attend as activity bags will be available for younger children. Usher in the Christmas season with us in a night you will not forget!