Palm Sunday (4/2)
Join us for the beginning of Holy Week as we consider the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem with fanfare and enthusiasm. At both our 9:30am and 11:00am services we will pass out palms as we remember the shift among the crowds from demanding Jesus be crowned to demanding he be killed. What is there to learn from this cautionary tale and how can we connect it to our lives in New York?
Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Poetry here.
Good Friday (4/7)
Join us in the Chapel for our Good Friday digital and in-person services at 7pm. This is one of the holiest days of the year as we reflect through art, music and storytelling on the mystery of the crucifixion.
Access our digital services here.
Easter Sunday (4/9)
Join us for one of our in-person Easter Services and a celebration reception to follow! We will be having three services on Easter Sunday, 9:30am (in the Chapel), 10:30am (in Hoffman Hall), and 11:30am (in the Chapel). To get to the chapel, enter via the gate on 20th St between 9th and 10th Ave.
We will also be having a digital service that you can access here.
We have a special time planned for our kids on Easter Sunday! They will learn about the Resurrection with a Godly Play lesson and painting on canvas lesson by Miss Gabriela.
Our Youth will be throwing our first Easter egg hunt at the big lawn of GTS. The egg hunt will happen after each kids Sunday School.
If you are planning to attend GS Kids for the first time on Easter Sunday, please send an email to