My Good Shepherd Capital Goal
We are calling on our Good Shepherd family to band together in order to build the strength that our church needs to secure a bright and fruitful future in this city. The costs associated with relocating and securing a long term lease on a sufficient venue will be significant, and we’ll need your generosity to increase our financial capacity to make a swift and smooth transition.
Our board of trustees has set a capital goal of $300k to address this need. We invite you to make a contribution above and beyond your commitment to our operating budget by going to our Pushpay portal and selecting “My Good Shepherd” in the drop down menu. Gifts can also be made by check, donor advised fund or stock contribution.
Our goal is 100% participation and we encourage you to give as you are willing and able above your normal financial commitment to Good Shepherd.
My Good Shepherd Recurring Donor Goal
We are renaming our community of recurring donors from the “Builder” community to the “My Good Shepherd” community.
Our goal is to grow the “My Good Shepherd” community in both participation and contribution level.
If you haven’t joined the My Good Shepherd community by setting up a recurring donation we invite you to do so by texting “goodshepherdny” to 77977 and select “set up recurring” for gift type and “tithes” for the fund. If you’re already part of the My Good Shepherd community, we invite you to consider increasing your monthly contribution.