Statement on LGBTQIA+ Inclusion

Good Shepherd New York is committed as an organization to the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ parishioners with no limits for volunteering, leadership, participation in the sacraments, ordination or marriage based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

 Good Shepherd New York is an ecumenical congregation focused on Christian unity. As a church, we also value diversity. In doctrinal matters we are rooted in the Apostle’s and Nicene creeds and yet we do not require people to agree with specific theological or political viewpoints in order to belong to or attend our church. 

There may be many perspectives about Christian sexual ethics within our congregation, and in the face of such differences, we continue to promote the practice of our core values: curiosity, unity, diversity, creativity and generosity. 

While we continue to promote freedom of conscience, we recognize the importance of providing clarity around our church's organizational policy and practice as it specifically relates to groups of individuals who have historically been hurt in religious contexts. 

The culture we aim for is one where we learn to embody the love of Christ as we face differences of all kinds within our community. Our hope is that we would all have the humility to be stretched and challenged by one another toward deeper love and wisdom. 

Grace + Peace,

The Good Shepherd Elder Board